[ Healthy treats with a spicy twist ] Yes the day arrived to sell Sharp Sharp food again in Rotterdam. Excited & energetic, even after 2 days of non stop...
[ Fruity ice cream with some spicy flavours ] I know the weather doesn't feel very much like it's halfway summer, but I won't let the rain take over just yet....
[ Home from Sweden ] Since I am home from my trip to Sweden I am feeling very inspired to create new food & recipes. The only thing I missed during my...
[ Sharp Sharp! ] Working on new recipes for Sharp Sharp, jippie! At the moment I am planning the markets that I will attend with Sharp Sharp in the next...
[ Ginger & apple, a lovely combination] The last day of the Sharp Sharp recipes, but don't worry I already created a new spicy juice, ice pops & a lovely...
[ Mango crumble treats] And here comes day 5, with the Mango crumble from Sharp Sharp. It might feel like you need a ton of ingredients for this lovely recipe,...
[ Proteinbar instead of bread ] Day 3 of the recipes for Sharp Sharp. Many people know me, to be (slightly) obsessed with food, cooking & creating a lot and searching for new flavours....
[ First Sharp Sharp! recipe ] As promised, the first of the Sharp Sharp recipes I will be posting on my blog this week. The chili chocolate was the dish...
[ Photo & press overview ] The day finally arrived, for me to partake in the event Eigengemaakt in Rotterdam. The first time for everyone to experience Sharp Sharp, healthy...
[ Linocut technique] Here a small peak into my logo design for Sharp Sharp, not the final version, but one of many attempts for sure. I really wanted to create a...
[ Sharp Sharp recipe in the making] This weekend I adapted some of my old recipes, to fit in the Sharp Sharp! theme for the upcoming food market in which...