[ Bread recipe with orange peel & raisins ]

Last week I felt like eating a slice of bread again, especially to eat with my homemade jams. Besides I was planning on baking a lot of bread for the Oogstfestival, so I had a ton of the ingredients at home & decided to experiment with new flavours. It’s been in my mind a lot lately to try to make a spicy bread, or at least a bread with a spicy twist.

This time I chose to work with a fruity feel to the bread, not spicy, but a good start to try new flavours. I really love raisin bread but I wanted to add a extra flavour to the bread. Thought about ginger, black pepper, cardamon or even cinnamon. A lot of these ingredients and combinations have to wait for the next time I am baking bread again, because in the end I made a combination with orange peel & raisins. In a way orange could feel like a extra spice, but not nearly spicy enough to fit in my Sharp Sharp line of treats.

Truly orange peel was a very good choice, it definitely gave a fresh, fruity & even flowery feel to the raisin bread. I learned a lot from this attempt & will use that knowledge in the next round. For now I would say, give it a try, add in the peel of an orange & 200 grams of raisins.

You can find the Gluten free recipe here that was the base for this version:

Gluten Free bread recipe

Add the peel & raisins in when everything is mixed & before you pour the batter into the baking tin. Just quickly stir the peel & raisins, until evenly divided. Nothing else changes in the recipe, for the measurements, the baking time, just the smell that fills your house while baking ^_^

Questions do let me know.

Author Renate

:: I am Renate :: and I am in love with loads of things in life, beside my partner in crime, I love drinking tea, creating recipes, exploring the world, being green & loving my work as a graphic designer.

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